Today's post ideas were either to write about why/why not health professionals should use social media or to post about someone I nominated for a Health Activist Award. I drew a blank on the first and the second... I'm mulling over. I want to nominate everyone for something! So, I decided to do a wrap up of some of my favorite health/fitness blogs. I may wind up nominating a ton of people for a ton of awards... because the fitness blogosphere is full of amazing, awesome, talented people who awe me on a daily basis.
First - the blog that introduced me to many of the other blogs I currently read. Peanut Butter Fingers. Did I mention that meeting Julie at Fitbloggin was like meeting Prince? Because it totally was. Her blog is awesome, full of healthy information, great workout ideas, and one of the most adorable dogs ever.
Next - Gotta give love to my partner in crime, Mrs. Fatass. Not only is her blog one of the most raw and honest blogs I've ever read, she's a laugh riot... when it's appropriate. Also, very creative linguistics.
Then there's No Thanks to Cake. Another genuine, funny and fun blog about living the healthy life. Even when her posts are on the sad side, I always feel uplifted by her sense of pride and purpose. She rocks!
How about Redefining Kim. Prepping for a figure competition, full time mom, eating disorder survivor and all around badass. When I met her at Fitbloggin I was just drawn to her - she's just one of the nicest people I've ever met and I could, and did, talk to her forever!! I'm glad to call her my friend and I stalk her blog like woah.
There's like 10000 more blogs I love but I am finally getting in to bed early. This ear infection is finally clearing up and since I can hear again now even my typing hurts my poor ear drums!
Oh wow... Completely star struck that you read my blog and would include me amongst your faves... xoxo