Friday, November 30, 2012

30 days...

So NHBPM draws to a close. My recap for the month - this was harder than expected. I found myself feeling like a broken record but its helped to solidify many of my thoughts and convictions about my thyroid, my PCOS, my weight and my overall health.

It also got me thinking about why I started blogging in the first place. Tomorrow I refocus on my initial plan - simplification.

Finances. Nutrition. Exercise. Social life. All the things I've been working on and not talking about as much.

I also want to get in to talking about the great books I've been reading. I want to try to be more interactive. I want to bring in guest posters to talk about their journey in simplification of their lives.

I want to be about whole body, mind and soul health and simplicity.

Time to refocus and get ready for 2014 before it gets here and flies by without a change.

1 comment:

  1. And that is what "Health" is...
    ALL of the above...

    P.S. While I didn't comment much I read all your posts...

    Thank you
