Tuesday, November 22, 2011


In order to make myself feel less crazy - I'm focusing on my measurements per quarter.

So, here we go: My first quarter measurements.

Measurement 08/21/11 11/21/11 1Q Change
Weight 340 329 11
Wrist 6.75 6.33 0.42
Upper Arm 16.75 16 0.75
Chest 50 48.75 1.25
Ribcage 43 42 1
Waist 48.5 45 3.5
Hips 68 64 4
Upper Thigh 34 33 1
Calf 17.5 17.75 -0.25
Ankle 10 9.75 0.25

That's a total of 11 pounds and 11.9 inches across my body lost in the last 4 months.  My calves are getting bigger only because they are solid rock at this point.  They'll slim down eventually.... I hope.

In perspective in the last month I've lost an average house cat worth of weight.  No more carrying Napoleon around with me!.

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