Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sick of being sick...

Frustrated beyond belief, I sit here trying to figure out what the deal is with my body and not wanting to be healthy and non-injured. 

Rewind to last Thursday.  Towards the end of 3 hours of Zumba I started to feel truly exhausted and I said YES! I've kicked my own tail! ... Not so much.  After eating a bowl of soup, I got home and immediately begin vomiting.  So began over a week of feeling awful.

I slept ALL DAY Friday.  I woke up long enough to go to the office (Marshall drove) and grab my laptop and some work stuff so I could get work done over the weekend.  I slept from 9am to 1pm, showered, watched GLEE and then passed out again until just after 5pm.

The vomiting ceased pretty quickly but the exhaustion, chills, fever and overall feeling of GROSS continued on and seemed to leave my stomach and something vile settled in my sinuses and throat.  Breathing was painful because my throat was so raw.  However, being me, I knew I couldn't sit still and I was back at Zumba Saturday morning.  I read books and stayed still as much as possible. 

Sunday my ears began to feel awful, my right ear became useless and I started getting dizzy when I sneezed, coughed or changed position abruptly.  Crap!

Yet... me being me... I waited until THURSDAY to go see the doctor.  Diagnoses? Sinus infection. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Double ear infections. Inner ear infection causing intermittent vertigo.  Handed me high dose omnicef and sent me on my way.

It's now Saturday and I still don't feel great and my voice comes in and out.

So it was a tough week for me, but ended on some very big high notes. 

Truth be told, aside from this sinus/ear/throat crap, I know I'm healthier than I've ever been in my life.  Tomorrow I will take my 2nd set of quarterly measurements, pictures and my weigh in.  I'm STOKED to see what the numbers have to say because my clothes all fit differently and I can see little things like the way my thighs move when I teach certain Zumba songs has changed.  I can see how much stronger my back already looks to me.  I can't wait to see the overall numbers though.

Back to reading and resting for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sam! I can't wait to see your numbers too!
